"I believe that...you should start everyday with a smile, laughing is the best calorie burner, life is about creating yourself, tomorrow is another day, and I believe in miracles!"

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Life with the Lap-Band

Lap-Band surgery is the process of placing a prosthesis known as the Lap-Band around the upper stomach to create a smaller stomach pouch. In turn it limits the amount of food an individual can fit into their stomach. Lap-Band surgery (a bariatric surgery procedure) was approved by the FDA in 2001. It gained a lot of popularity in the weight loss world. The procedure itself is minimally invasive. The surgeons enter the stomach via small incisions and use surgical instruments to insert the Lap-Band. The main reason for having the surgery performed is so that the individual having it done will not only lose weight but keep the weight off as well. This is a new method that is recommended for those individuals who experience morbid obesity and have tried to lose the weight but have failed in their attempts to lose the weight and keep it off.

1 comment:

  1. It gained a lot of popularity in the weight loss world. The procedure itself is minimally invasive. The surgeons enter the stomach via small incisions and use surgical instruments to insert the Lap-Band.

    lap band
